Mary Anne Dell’Aquilla (ISO Assistant Principal Second Violin): “This past year has been challenging for everyone and musicians have been especially hit hard. The immediate shut down of live ISO concerts one year ago was shocking to all of us. Our lack of income and health insurance was compounded for me by the fact that my husband, who is in a nursing home, contracted the coronavirus. Thankfully he has recovered, but safety measures prevented me from seeing him for months. Luckily that has recently changed.
With so much time on my hands I practiced at home, but not having performances to focus on left me feeling somewhat lost. I volunteered at Gleaners Food Bank several times but had to eventually quit because the work there was hard on my hands. Given my age, and the physical requirements needed to play professionally, I have to be careful when choosing activities. I did participate in and help organize a few outdoor concerts given by the Musicians of the ISO last fall until the weather turned cold. It was so fun to play again and reconnect with many audience members. I also took part in a few virtual performances such as the ISO Musician Advent calendar and some ISO Musician second violin performances. The talents of my colleagues with regard to technology, arranging music, etc. continues to amaze me.
My wonderful dogs, Viva and Puccini, crossed over the rainbow bridge this past winter. I miss them but I’m so grateful for their many years of companionship.
This pandemic has made me thankful for the support of my long distance family and many friends who I have been able to connect with on the phone or zoom. It has also made me fully appreciate the power of live music, as well as our loyal patrons. I look forward to our upcoming concerts beginning in May and hope for many more live concerts in the near future. “
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