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In this continuing photo project by Beckie Kern, Jennifer Farquhar (ISO Acting Assistant Principal Second Violin) talks about time for new projects, friendships, and some reflection on life during this past year as the ISO musicians wait for a return to the stage of Hilbert Circle Theatre.

"This year has been full of change and adjustment, but also new avenues for creativity. After years of focusing on playing symphonic music, I’ve been able to learn and perform solo and chamber music. With the Castleton Quartet, Quarantrina, and other groups, I’ve played concerts in cul de sacs, driveways, porches, and median strips, moving indoors to churches for socially distanced concerts when the weather got cold. I've taught students online, which has its challenges, but which has still been surprisingly effective. I’ve learned that I really enjoy arranging music, and I’ve dipped my toes into video editing, which has enabled me to produce videos for the Teddy Bear concert series and other musical projects which are available to watch on YouTube. All of these activities provide me with a musical outlet, but I miss the exquisite experience of making music as part of a large ensemble.

I’ve had some challenges this year in my personal life as well, ending a 19 year marriage and adjusting to being a single parent to my adult daughter with multiple special needs. My beloved friends, family, and colleagues have all stepped up to help financially, emotionally, and physically. Last summer a group of colleague friends, marshaled by Amy and Tony Kniffen, cleared my property of brush and made it possible for me to have a yard that feels open and is easier to manage. This love in action by my fellow musicians is no outlier—I have always felt that the musicians of the ISO are really family, and we stick together in these tough times. I feel like there’s some light at the end of this long COVID tunnel, and that we will soon be able to return to our stage with an audience."

Please consider making a donation to this photo project to support the ISO musicians: "Musicians of the ISO at Home" A portion of each photo sale on this website will also be donated to the Musicians of the ISO. All of these photos are available for purchase by using the buy button.
Donation Page for the Musicians of the ISO Photo Project <--- Support the ISO Musicians by clicking here.