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Right before Covid shut everything down Trina Gross, (ISO second clarinet) adopted an adorable little puppy from the Indy Humane Society. Trina says: "His name is Toby and he's all puppy and into everything. He loves to walk, play and chew most anything. Beckie has been the only one to guess his breed correctly. I actually had to Google what a Schipperke was because I had never heard of that breed before. Toby is a mix of possibly a Chihuahua or Terrier of some kind.

"I had more time to work on beading projects and I enjoy stitching and creating bracelets, necklaces and earrings. I even dabbled a bit with knitting too. I've been teaching at Butler University and giving online Zoom lessons to area high school students; practicing and making music videos from time to time. I've stayed busy getting to know more of my neighbors during walks with Toby—he knows who has all the treats! I've also stayed active at my church in the music ministry and helping with Masses. And, when I’m not out walking and playing with Toby, and the weather is too cold or rainy, I like to stay active and ride my indoor bike."

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