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This photo project of the ISO musicians was developed by photographer Beckie Kern to document the musicians' time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each musician related projects and activities they engaged in to capture how their lives have been at home while awaiting a return to Hilbert Circle Theatre. Part of the reason for doing this project is to remind the public that the musicians are still around and to highlight how they have been getting along during the past year.

Amy Kniffen (ISO Acting Associate Principal Viola) and Tony Kniffen (ISO Principal Tuba), and their children, have been involved with many projects around their home during this past year. As Amy writes: "Our many covid projects included refinishing a sewing table that was gifted from a neighbor to support the sewing machine we were given by our "auntie", for the girls who were taught to sew by Anne Perry. Several other pieces of furniture were refinished, 20K pounds of dirt were moved, 3 stone walls were rebuilt, 5 trees were chopped into firewood, a parking space was paved with stone, the girls learned to Rollerblade and I Marie Kondo'd the house. The kids were wrangled, we hiked many state parks and watched a lot of movies."

Please consider making a donation to this photo project to support the ISO musicians: "Musicians of the ISO at Home" A portion of each photo sale on this website will also be donated to the Musicians of the ISO. Donation Page for the Musicians of the ISO Photo Project <--- Support the ISO Musicians by clicking here.